
Silicon Valley, USA

Control cabinet for a 150MVA power transformer. Next, the fourth realisation for one of the largest and most recognisable companies in the world.

Supply voltage: 208V, 120V AC, 125V DC
Rated current: 15A
Standard: USA
Protection class: IP66 enclosure
Implementation date: February 2019


Dimensions:1600mm x 1600mm x 680 mm

Type:SZS-ZN – standing or hanging casing made of steel sheet with epoxy primer. Special version, resulting from the construction of a housing with dimensions outside the offered catalogue.

Color:ANSI_70 Light Gray + RAL_9003


126-063.030 – SZS-ZN 1600*1600*680 – Switchgear housing – manufacturer Radiolex


ABB equipment used:

1SBH137001R1322 – NF22E-13 – Contactor relay 2NO/2NC 6A 230V AC/DC

1SBH137001R1380 – NF80E-13 –Contactor relay 100-250V

1SBN020114R1000 – TEF4-OFF – 1Z 1R time relay, turn-off delay

1SVR430884R1300 – CM-MPS 160-300 VAC –Three-phase, multi-function monitoring relay

RET670 2.2-A25– RET670 –Transformer protection, tap changer and voltage control

Marathon equipment used:

1422122 –series 142 – 2P terminal block

1423122 –series 142 – 3P terminal block

1506 SC – 1500 SERIES 6 POLE – terminal block with brass inserts 1500 series, 6 poles

1506 STD – 1500 SERIES 6 POLE –   1500 series terminal block, 6 pole

1512 STD – 1500 SERIES 12 POLE – 1500 series terminal block, 12 poles


Apparatus from other manufacturers used:

050712 – T0-4-8223/E – Cam switch 1-2 4P 20A manufactured by Eaton

067352 – T0-1-8200/E – Cam switch 0-1 1P 20A manufactured by Eaton

091059 – T0-5-8270/E – Cam switch 1-2-3 3P 20A manufactured by Eaton

20K02-D – 20K02-D – Test switch manufactured by States

2811860 – MACX MCR-T-UI-UP – Temperature measuring transducer manufactured by PhoenixContact

CCH-CP12-A8-P03KH – CCH – Connector panel manufactured by CORNING

SE-325DN – SE – Earth resistance monitor manufactured by Startco

SPH-01P – SPH – Single-panel housing manufactured by CORNING

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