
TRISTAR, Tricity

We have been producing TRISTAR motion control cabinets since 2012, and during that time we have produced nearly 300 switchboards. The TRISTAR system provides the ability to control road traffic, monitor vehicle traffic intensity, provide video surveillance, measure meteorological parameters, provide information for drivers and passengers of public transport, as well as parking information.

Supply voltage: 230V/400V AC
Rated current: 63A
Tightness class: IP44
Corrosion protection: C3
Operating temperature range: -5°C to +40°C
Implementation date: August 2019


Dimensions:850 mm x 1200 mm x 400mm

Type:SZA-AL –  small-size external casing with ventilation under the roof and ventilation grilles on the sides

Color:  RAL7035 ANTY_GRAFFITI – the use of Anti-graffiti varnish allows you to create an easily washable coating resistant to abrasion and solvents.


118-063.019 – SZA-AL 850*1200*400 – Small external casing – manufacturer Radiolex

The wardrobe contains three compartments:

– measuring chamber, also commonly called „metering chamber”,

– distribution chamber protecting all TRISTAR system devices,

– a telecommunications room with a fiber optic distribution box, which allows you to connect all devices in the vicinity of a given intersection.

You can observe our implementation at many Tri-City intersections.

Fig 1. Photo of the Tristar system switchboard at the intersection of Aleja Grunwaldzka and Dmowskiego Street in Gdańsk

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    Przykłady zapytań, które obsługujemy:

    • Wyceny klimatyzatorów przemysłowych
    • Szafy sterownicze i obudowy w niestandardowych wymiarach
    • Informacje na temat dostępności i specyfikacji naszych produktów

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