
Gdynia, Poland

The implementation shows an indoor station switchgear of the SWRS type. Switchboards of this type are used to distribute low voltage electricity in transformer stations of industrial plants, municipal plants and other similar facilities.
The solutions offered by Radiolex include the following switchgear variants:
- drainage field
- outgoing field with power supply field
- outgoing field with power supply and measurement field (presented implementation)

Through the cooperation of the electrical department with designers, we present an ergonomic product that is characterized by:
- small dimensions,
- possibility of inspecting cable connections,
- possibility of installing power network parameter analyzers,
- possibility of measuring current in outgoing circuits,
- safety, thanks to external busbars for the use of portable earthing devices,
- compatibility with the Industry 4.0 concept.
Completion date: July 2020

Installation of a system for analyzing the parameters of the power supply network in the SWRS switchgear is an introduction to Industry 4.0 for the investor!

Pursuant to the Energy Efficiency Act, each large company is obliged to determine the profile of the existing energy consumption of a given plant or buildings and determine the amount of profitable energy savings possible.

The investor can control the current energy consumption in a given facility and view reports from previous periods from any place with Internet access. Correct measurement of lines and production sockets allows you to diagnose power exceedances and select appropriate reactive power compensation, which translates into savings! The system allows you to control electricity invoices issued by the distributor, as well as detect failures that successively generate costs.

We also offer special versions according to your specifications! Documentation for standard designs in DWG format can be found on the website below: /


Equipment used:

1SCA022860R6230 – OT1250E03P – 3P 1250A switch disconnector with handle and shaft manufactured by ABB

1SEP620012R3020 – ZLBM2-3P-V – 3P 400A fuse-switch disconnector manufactured by ABB

2CSG251141R4051 –M4M 20 MODBUS –Network analyzer manufactured by ABB

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