
Grounding controller for tanks and KUE tanks

The KUE electrostatic grounding controller is a device for grounding and grounding control of road tankers, rail tanks and other tanks that may accumulate an electrostatic charge during filling or emptying.

The device is connected to the grounded object using a clamp operated by personnel. The built-in equipotential bonding circuit prevents accidental disconnection and ensures safe operation. When the clamp is connected to the ground point, the measuring circuit monitors the ground resistance, activating the KUE device actuator relay and signals the status with a green light when the resistance is below 10 Ω. The electrostatic charge is discharged to the equalizing rail. When the resistance exceeds 10 Ω, the device disconnects power to the relay and signals it with a red light, which indicates a grounding problem or a missing terminal connection.

The device is suitable for use in potentially explosive atmospheres and is compatible with gases of group IIC and dusts of group IIIC. The kit includes a fireproof housing with electrics, a clamp with a muff, an 11-meter cable, an intrinsically safe polyester box and a mounting bracket. In case of damage, the cable and clamp can be replaced as separate components.

Supply voltage: 230 V AC or 24 V…42 V AC/DC
AC supply voltage frequency:50/60 Hz
Protection level: IP65
Ambient temperature:-30°C to +55°C


Marking: Ex II 2(1) G Ex db [ia Ga] IIC T6 Gb, Ex II 2(1) D Ex tb [ia Da] IIIC T85°C Db
Certificate: OBAC 22 ATEX 0438


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    Grounding controller for tanks and other tanks

    Zwiń tabelę
    Supply voltage
    230 V AC
    24 V … 42 V AC/DC
    Supply voltage frequency
    50/60 Hz
    50/60 Hz
    Level of security
    Ambient temperature
    -30°C to +55°C
    -30°C to +55°C
    Catalog number

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