
LV-subway switchgear – RS

RS type switchgears are an essential component of overhead MV/LV transformer pole stations. They are designed to distribute energy on the low voltage side.
Standard switchboards have two mounting sides:

1. Main circuits page
- power supply with current carrying capacity of group 2 or 3*
- up to 8 outgoing fields implemented on three-phase strip fuse switches or strip fuse bases with current carrying capacity of group 1 or group 2*

2. Measuring page
- semi-indirect energy measurement system
- lighting control system
Basic data

The enclosures are made of aluminium or other metal on request, the roof of the enclosure is equipped with chimneys through which cables can be inserted into the switchboard, and optionally with a cable duct.

The switchgear is assembled by screwing it to the pole using a fastening structure, the type of which depends on the type of pole.

Technical specifications
Rated voltage 230/400 [V]
Rated insulation voltage 690 [V]
Rated frequency 50 [Hz]
Rated current of receiving circuits 630 [A]
Protection level IP44 [-]
Number of drain fields 1-8 [-]
Catalogue designation

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    • Wyceny klimatyzatorów przemysłowych
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    The following table shows the pre-fabricated switchboard enclosures

    Zwiń tabelę
    LV pole distribution board, 1 circuit (3~) outgoing
    LV pole distribution board, 2 circuits (3~) outgoing
    LV pole distribution board, 3 circuits (3~) outgoing
    LV pole-mounted switchgear, 4 outgoing circuits (3~)
    LV pole-mounted switchgear, 5 outgoing circuits (3~)
    LV pole-mounted switchgear, 6 outgoing circuits (3~)
    LV pole-mounted switchgear, 7 outgoing circuits (3~)
    LV pole-mounted switchgear, 8 outgoing circuits (3~)

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