
USTM_C65 – Universal assembly table with 0-65 degree tilting frame

Universal assembly tables have been designed for work that requires heavy loads. The design of such products means that they can be used in many workplaces, for example: workshops, construction sites or at assembly or tool stations.

The assembly table is characterized primarily by solid workmanship from the highest quality materials. It is also characterized by extraordinary versatility and functionality. Its ergonomics bring many positive advantages, such as increasing work comfort. The low weight makes the table very easy to transport - it weighs only 50 kilograms.

The assembly table is distinguished by step adjustment of the working frame inclination in the range from 0 to 65 degrees. Fixing mounting plates using stops and brackets will certainly make the work of many fitters easier. This product is a modern solution that is especially recommended to all control cabinet installers. One base on wheels increases the mobility of the workstation.

The set includes two stop fittings and four mounting brackets: two single and two double - angular. The product guarantees precision in working with many elements. It is successfully used in many industries. It is eagerly used not only by professionals, but also by people who are just starting their profession.

Technical data:
  • Operating frame – dimensions: 800 x 2000 mm
  • Working surface height: 750 mm
  • Table weight: 50 kg
  • Permissible horizontal load: 200 kg
  • Permissible vertical load: 150 kg
  • Operating frame inclination range: 0 – 65 degrees
  • Possibility of mounting a roller set: No
  • Moving base on wheels: Yes
  • Possibility of disconnecting the running base from the frame: No
  • Additional side support: Yes
Data sheet

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    Zwiń tabelę
    Universal assembly table with tilting frame from 0-65 degrees
    Catalogue no.

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